Demo Version

The HDDRIVER software package supports a wide range of hardware, and has many features not offered by any other driver. The demo includes a README file with installation instructions and information on how to partition a drive/memory card. In a nutshell: Launch HDDRIVER, then launch HDDRUTIL. Partition your drive TOS compatible if it is not partitioned yet. Then install HDDRIVER by double clicking drive C: in the HDDRUTIL drive window.
These are the most important limitations of the demo version:

Regarding the supported hardware there is no difference compared to the full version. If the demo version does not work with your hardware, the full version also will not.
Note that with its default settings the demo version only detects ACSI/SCSI/IDE ID 0. It has to be configured, e.g. with "Auto Configuring", if there are devices with IDs > 0. Please also refer to the README file.

Demo version as ZIP archive

Using the ZIP archive is the recommended way of installing the demo version. Simply unpack the archive and read the README file.

Download HDDRIVER demo version Demo version as ZIP archive

Demo version as drive image

If you cannot transfer the ZIP archive to your Atari, drive images with a pre-installed bootable demo version are available. There are two images because on IDE/SATA devices the Atari saves data with a byte order different from the one used with ACSI/SCSI devices.

With Linux or macOS the dd command line tool can write the image to a memory card or hard drive. The Atari can then directly boot from this drive/memory card. The required commands are:

>sudo diskutil umountDisk RAW_DEVICE (this command with macOS only)
>sudo dd if=IMAGE_FILE of=RAW_DEVICE

The raw device with Linux is usually /dev/sdX, with macOS it is /dev/rdiskX. Ensure to use the right raw device in order not to overwrite data on other drives.

With Windows the Win32 Disk Imager, for instance, can be used to write the image.
In case Windows or macOS complain about the image file format, just choose the option to ignore the file contents, so that these systems do not modify any data in the file.

Download SCSI/ACSI image Demo version image for ACSI and SCSI
Download IDE/SATA image Demo version image for IDE and SATA

The full version can optionally be ordered pre-installed and bootable on a memory card or floppy disk.